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Im Bereich "Bücher" finden Sie zum Thema "Studium & Lernen" in der Kategorie "Naturwissenschaft & Mathematik" 1232 Angebote. Die Angebote starten bei günstigen 2,49 €. 131 Artikel der gefunden Artikel sind Neuware, 1101 Angebote können Sie gebraucht kaufen.
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Katalog der fossilen Dinoflagellaten ... Band III. 1. Teil. Acritarcha.
Katalog der fossilen Dinoflagellaten ... Band III. 1. Teil. Acritarcha.
40,00 €
+ 4,50 € Versand
Katalog der fossilen Dinoflagellaten ... Band VI. 3. Teil. Acritarcha.
Katalog der fossilen Dinoflagellaten ... Band VI. 3. Teil. Acritarcha.
40,00 €
+ 4,50 € Versand
Katalog der fossilen Dinoflagellaten ... Band IV. 2. Teil. Acritarcha.
Katalog der fossilen Dinoflagellaten ... Band IV. 2. Teil. Acritarcha.
40,00 €
+ 4,50 € Versand
The Eisenack Catalog of Fossil Dinoflagellates. New Series. Volume 1.
The Eisenack Catalog of Fossil Dinoflagellates. New Series. Volume 1.
50,00 €
+ 4,50 € Versand
Spore and Pollen assemblages of the Upper Cretaceous Hakobuchi Group in Hokkaido
Spore and Pollen assemblages of the Upper Cretaceous Hakobuchi Group in Hokkaido
7,00 €
Kostenloser Versand
Palynology of Permian-Triassic boundary beds at Kap Stosch, East Greenland.
Palynology of Permian-Triassic boundary beds at Kap Stosch, East Greenland.
15,00 €
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Palynostratigraphy of the Permian and lowermost Triassic succession, Finnmark
Palynostratigraphy of the Permian and lowermost Triassic succession, Finnmark
15,00 €
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Stratigraphy and depositional evolution of the uppermost Devonian-Carboniferous
Stratigraphy and depositional evolution of the uppermost Devonian-Carboniferous
15,00 €
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Technique de regonflement des microorganismes fossiles contenant des scleroproteines.
Technique de regonflement des microorganismes fossiles contenant des scleroproteines.
7,00 €
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Rapport sur la Paleobotanique et la Paleopalynologie 1981.
Rapport sur la Paleobotanique et la Paleopalynologie 1981.
15,00 €
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A study of modern pollen deposition, Southern Alps, South Island, New Zealand.
A study of modern pollen deposition, Southern Alps, South Island, New Zealand.
7,00 €
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Some microfloral taphocoenoses from the Lower Gondwana of Zaire
Some microfloral taphocoenoses from the Lower Gondwana of Zaire
7,00 €
Kostenloser Versand
Les megaspores du carbonifere et du Gondwana inferieur de l Afrique et de l Amerique
Les megaspores du carbonifere et du Gondwana inferieur de l Afrique et de l Amerique
7,00 €
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New biostratigraphic age dates from the Lake Rukwa Rift Basin in western Tanzania.
New biostratigraphic age dates from the Lake Rukwa Rift Basin in western Tanzania.
10,00 €
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Permo-Trias im Ruhuhu-Becken (Tansania) und anderen Karoo-Becken von SE-Afrika.
Permo-Trias im Ruhuhu-Becken (Tansania) und anderen Karoo-Becken von SE-Afrika.
20,00 €
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Pollen and spore assemblages in the Luwumbu Coal Formation (Lower Karroo) of the
Pollen and spore assemblages in the Luwumbu Coal Formation (Lower Karroo) of the
10,00 €
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Palynostratigraphic correlation between the Lower Karoo Sequence of the Waterberg and
Palynostratigraphic correlation between the Lower Karoo Sequence of the Waterberg and
40,00 €
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Studio palinologico della serie di Le Castella (Calabria).
Studio palinologico della serie di Le Castella (Calabria).
7,00 €
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Aspects of Middle and Late Triassic palynology of southern Spain.
Aspects of Middle and Late Triassic palynology of southern Spain.
20,00 €
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Zur Keuper-Stratigraphie im Netraer Graben (Bl. 4926 Herleshausen; Nordhessen
Zur Keuper-Stratigraphie im Netraer Graben (Bl. 4926 Herleshausen; Nordhessen
10,00 €
Kostenloser Versand
Pollen and spore assemblages from the Falla Formation (Upper Triasic), central
Pollen and spore assemblages from the Falla Formation (Upper Triasic), central
10,00 €
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Effects of chemical processing on the preservation of peridinioid dinoflagellates:
Effects of chemical processing on the preservation of peridinioid dinoflagellates:
10,00 €
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Late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of subantarctic South America.
Late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of subantarctic South America.
7,00 €
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Paniculaferum misouriensis ge. et sp. nov., a new Upper Ordovician acritarch from
Paniculaferum misouriensis ge. et sp. nov., a new Upper Ordovician acritarch from
7,00 €
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Biostratigraphy of the Upper Devonian Escuminac Formation, eastern Quebec, Canada
Biostratigraphy of the Upper Devonian Escuminac Formation, eastern Quebec, Canada
10,00 €
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Permian trilete spores from the Collie Basin, Western Australia.
Permian trilete spores from the Collie Basin, Western Australia.
10,00 €
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Jurassic spores and pollen grains from the Rosewood Coalfield.
Jurassic spores and pollen grains from the Rosewood Coalfield.
10,00 €
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Corpuscules in the Permian pollen from India.
Corpuscules in the Permian pollen from India.
7,00 €
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Palynostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous sediments, Meghalaya, northeastern India.
Palynostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous sediments, Meghalaya, northeastern India.
10,00 €
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Biostratigraphie, environnements et corteges de depots dans le Lias inferieur de
Biostratigraphie, environnements et corteges de depots dans le Lias inferieur de
10,00 €
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Einige Sporenarten aus dem Oberen Buntsandstein Thüringens.
Einige Sporenarten aus dem Oberen Buntsandstein Thüringens.
7,00 €
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Palynologische und palynostratigraphische Untersuchungen des Keupers im Bölchentunnel
Palynologische und palynostratigraphische Untersuchungen des Keupers im Bölchentunnel
50,00 €
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The distribution of megaspores from the Upper Carboniferous (Namurian A) coal-bearing
The distribution of megaspores from the Upper Carboniferous (Namurian A) coal-bearing
10,00 €
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Spore zonation of uppermost Devonian and lower Carboniferous deposits of western
Spore zonation of uppermost Devonian and lower Carboniferous deposits of western
20,00 €
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A palynological study of the Lower Carboniferous Lydebrook Sandstone and adjacent
A palynological study of the Lower Carboniferous Lydebrook Sandstone and adjacent
15,00 €
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Rejection of a Carnian Late Triassic pluvial in Europe.
Rejection of a Carnian Late Triassic pluvial in Europe.
7,00 €
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Sporenstratigraphie des Unterdevons (Siegen-Ems) im südlichen Bergischen Land
Sporenstratigraphie des Unterdevons (Siegen-Ems) im südlichen Bergischen Land
10,00 €
Kostenloser Versand
A tiger by the tail: The exophragm of the Cretaceous-Paleocene dinoflagellate
A tiger by the tail: The exophragm of the Cretaceous-Paleocene dinoflagellate
25,00 €
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Palynology of Permian and Triassic sediments, Peace River area, Western Canada.
Palynology of Permian and Triassic sediments, Peace River area, Western Canada.
35,00 €
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Acritarchs from the Lower Cambrian Murray Shale, Chilhowee Group, of Tennessee, U.S.A
Acritarchs from the Lower Cambrian Murray Shale, Chilhowee Group, of Tennessee, U.S.A
10,00 €
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Pseudorhombodinium lisbonense gen. et sp. nov., a new dinoflagellate fossil from the
Pseudorhombodinium lisbonense gen. et sp. nov., a new dinoflagellate fossil from the
10,00 €
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Atlas zur Bestimmung rezenter und fossiler Pollen und Sporen.
Atlas zur Bestimmung rezenter und fossiler Pollen und Sporen.
35,00 €
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The establishment of a cosmopolitan organization of comprehensive data banks for paly
The establishment of a cosmopolitan organization of comprehensive data banks for paly
7,00 €
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Exine formation in Cunninghamia lanceolata (Taxodiaceae).
Exine formation in Cunninghamia lanceolata (Taxodiaceae).
7,00 €
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Paleocene-Eocene dinoflagellate cysts and continental palynomorphs from borehole No.
Paleocene-Eocene dinoflagellate cysts and continental palynomorphs from borehole No.
10,00 €
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Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian of Poland.
Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian of Poland.
7,00 €
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Tree and grasspollen allergen sensitivity related to atmospheric pollen counts in
Tree and grasspollen allergen sensitivity related to atmospheric pollen counts in
7,00 €
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Development of pollen grains of Catharanthus roseus (Apocynaceae).
Development of pollen grains of Catharanthus roseus (Apocynaceae).
7,00 €
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